Amateur Radio Satellites

AMSAT Satellite Real-Time Status
Amateur Satellite operators provide up-to-date status active satellites in real-time.

A daily update of orbital element sets is available at:
or without bulletin text:

Satellite Frequency List
AMSAT satellite status and frequencies are updated frequently and published in many formats on this web page.

SatNOGS satellite ground stations
SatNOGS is a global network of satellite ground-stations running open-source software such as a Raspbian image and client software for Raspberry Pi and Linux OS. There are also project designs for a 3D printed azimuth/ elevation rotator and home brew beam antennas.

Serenity CubeSat
I'm pretty sure this is the first amateur radio satellite based on raspberry pi. Use frequency 437.1 MHz FM to send x.25 telecommands to request information packets to be sent back.
Status: sends back the current health and location of the satellite.
List: sends back a list of the stations that have contacted the satellite in the past 7 days.
Rad: sends back a data file of dosimeter readings from the radiation experiment.