Hello. I'm W7KYG. This is a place where I collect information about Amateur Radio. Below are announcements that may be of interest to amateur radio operators.

Broadcastify Feed

Listen to my North Central Texas Amateur Radio live feed. Usually you'll hear ARES, RACES and SKYWARN repeaters and commonly used simplex frequencies in the DFW area. You'll hear many scheduled training nets throughout the week. Sometimes you'll hear activity from outside DFW such as Parks On The Air and special event station activations, or the W5DFW repeater on 29.66 MHz. See Broadcastify for more information.

Social network servers for hams

There are US-based Hams.Social and Europe-based Mastodon.Radio servers are available for Amateur radio operators who like to socialize. There you will find many friendly ham operators and they usually keep their conversations mostly focused on ham-related topics. The servers are connected to the Fediverse allowing you to socialize with users on hundreds of other servers. You can find me here on Mastodon

Latest Blog Posts

Apr 16, 2021
RF Exposure Rule Compliance

RF Exposure Rule Compliance

The FCC has announced that rule changes detailed in a lengthy 2019 Report and Order governing RF exposure standards go into effect on May 3, 2021. We are all required to make sure our station complies with these rules. See this blog for an example.

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Aug 23, 2020
Plan Now To Communicate During Disasters

Plan Now To Communicate During Disasters

Amateur Radio helps get messages out of an area stricken by disaster when infrastructure fails. There are a few simple things you can do now to prepare to take advantage of the Amateur Radio Service.

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Nov 8, 2019
N5VET Veterans Special Event Station

N5VET Veterans Special Event Station

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Nov 5, 2017

Clone Raspberry Pi SD Card Image Using dd on Mac OS

This is a simple procedure for cloning an SD card using the CLI on Mac OS X.
Use with caution and make sure you know which device is your SD card because you would overwrite your other drive devices on accident. I'm mostly putting this here for my own reference.

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